Strongholds of our Past

6 Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6

We often take this verse as just what we need to do for our children, but this verse is for all of us. Why? Because how we spend our free time as young people or as young Christians in our faith will be how we spend our free time as grown-ups, never maturing into meat-eating Christians as the author of the book of Hebrews condemns.

We have to make sure that we are continuously putting our bodies into subjection. We can’t allow our flesh to dictate our lives because if we do, we miss all that the LORD has in store for us. These are the days of preparation. Today is the day of Salvation. What is done in the dark will be brought to light. What we do in our youth will be what we do as we age because the habits and strongholds become stronger and stronger.

LORD God, help us to break the strongholds of our past that have kept us enslaved to our flesh. That has stopped us from growing in our relationship with You. Soften our hearts that we may love You more than I love my own flesh. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

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