The Pride of Rehoboam

“When the rule of Rehoboam was established and he was strong, he abandoned the law of the Lord, and all Israel with him.” ~ 2 Chronicles 12:1

Throughout the Bible, it is evident that when people were weak and down-trodden, they called and depended upon God and obeyed His commands. But as soon as He blessed them with strength and prosperity for keeping His commands, they abandoned Him, His commands, and His people. That is just like us today; nothing has changed.

The sad part is, we know that our strength and prosperity come from Him, but we choose to abandon Him because, after a while, we somehow become delusional, thinking we, the man/woman, had accomplished all these things on our own. We become spiritually asleep.

We close our eyes to the things of the LORD and awaken our flesh and pride. Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before the fall. Our pride will lead us straight to destruction because it wasn’t us who got us all that we have. It wasn’t our strength. It wasn’t our wisdom; it was the blessings of God. And when we try to remove God from the equation and do it on our own, we destroy all that God built. Affecting those around us, those that work with/for us, our families. When the stronghold of pride takes over, there’s only one thing that can save you from destruction, submitting entirely to Jesus.

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