Today’s Daily Bread
- Don’t Be DeceivedI want you to think about the connection between adultery and idolatry for a second.
Watch Our Recent Messages
- Eternity Crashing InThroughout the book of Ecclesiastes, there is a recurring theme, “all is vanity.” This theme, on the surface, seems very discouraging. It makes it sound as if life is pointless and that we live without meaning, but is that what King Solomon meant? Join Reverend Kenny Yates as he opens our eyes to the true meaning of this statement in his message, Eternity Crashing In.
- Bags With HolesSo many of us struggle to make time for God. God is usually a last priority. Work, school, family, entertainment, socialization, etc. all take priority over God in the majority of Christians’ lives. Many cling to this statement, “God just wants me to be happy,” but is that true? Is this life just about our carnal happiness or is there a deeper meaning to our lives? Join Reverend Kenny Yates as he opens our eyes to the importance of building the Temple of God in his message, Bags With Holes.
- When Life Happens Pt. 2: Life’s Railroad TracksIn life, we all have ups and downs. Life is filled with both good and bad. There’s no way to avoid the bad; it comes with the good. Most people will define this as life having hills and valleys. In other words, you’re either in the good or in the bad, but is this what God says? What does the Bible say about life? Join Rev. Kenny Yates as he opens our eyes to life works in his message, When Life Happens Pt. 2: Life’s Railroad Tracks.
Watch Our Recent Bible Studies
- What Should Christians Do On Halloween?Once a year, many Christians get together and celebrate a holiday whose origins are from pagan traditions. Even though Halloween’s origins are pagan, some Christians believe that if they celebrate it without the same amount of darkness as the world, then that’ll be okay. But is that true? If Christians aren’t supposed to celebrate Halloween, what should we do on Halloween? Join Reverend Kenny Yates as he shows us Christian alternatives to the pagan traditions of Halloween in his video, What Should Christians Do On Halloween?
- Who Was Mary Magdalene?Mary Magdalene is one of the most well-recognized women and followers of Jesus mentioned in the Bible, but how well do we actually know Mary Magdalene? There are many teachings about Mary Magdalene that focus on her past and who she was before Christ and the extreme change after Christ, but are these teachings well rooted in Scripture? Does the Bible ever call Mary Magdalene a prostitute or adulterer? Join ArieRashelle as she searches through Scripture for the true identity of Mary Magdalene in her video, Who Was Mary Magdalene?
- What Does The Feast of Trumpets Foreshadow?According to Scripture, the Law and the Prophets are foreshadowing the good things to come. That would then include the different feasts recorded in the Law. If the different feasts all foreshadow an event in the future, what does the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) foreshadow? Join Rev. Kenny Yates as he explains some Biblical mysteries in his video, What Does The Feast of Trumpets Foreshadow?
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Quick Updates
- Christmas 2020Often times, we have been blessed more than we realize. Christmas morning, we wake up, go downstairs, read the Christmas story, eat some local beef and heavy cake (Caymanian Tradition), open our presents, and enjoy our day just lounging around. It’s so easy to forget that there are 1,000s of people in our state alone that are hungry and cold at Christmas time. So, we decided to change tradition just a bit in Christmas 2020.
- 12-13-2020Sure, some people are on the streets simply because they made bad decision after bad decision, but why did they make those bad decisions? A lot of the time, they weren’t raised in a home with a good family that could pick them back up each time they messed up. Sometimes we judge people harsher than we judge ourselves simply because it’s easier to hold them to a higher standard than it is to hold ourselves.
- Operation Christmas Child 2020Lately, Operation Christmas Child has been getting some heat because, along with the shoebox, they give the children the hope of Jesus. I find it interesting that telling children who are hopeless that there is a God in Heaven who loves them and died for them is offensive, wrong, and no longer belongs in our society. Newsboys released a song in 2015 called Guilty. In the song, they wrote these lyrics: When did it become breaking a rule To say your name out loud in school When your name’s the only one that sets us free When did it become incorrect To speak the truth about life and death When your life gave us all eternity I thought those lyrics really captured the world today.

‘Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.’ ~ Proverbs 22:6