Dig Up The Root

36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. ~ John 8:36

So many of us are battling the same sins we have had for years. We all struggle with sin. None of us are perfect, but only a few of us actually ever overcome our sin. Imagine each sin we struggle with is a tree in our yard. Some people only trim the branches of the tree so that their house (them) can still get a little light, while some of us go as far as to cut down the whole tree. Both of these are good steps to take, but they give a false sense of completion and overcoming.

See, when we begin trimming those limbs or even cutting down trees, we feel like we’ve overcome, and we leave that dead tree and start on to the next tree. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, that tree we thought we were completely down with has sprung up and is now beginning to blossom and bloom. We’re constantly struggling with the same sins over and over again because we don’t take the time to dig up the root. We don’t face the root of our sin to figure out what opened the door in the first place. When you find the root of your sin, face it. Dig it up and place it before God. And never return to it again.

Dear God, please help me to see the root of my sin. Help me to overcome my sin. Help me to do more than cut off the branches or cut down the tree. Help me to dig up the root so that it will never sprout up in my life again. Help me to truly overcome. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

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