Ask Until You Get An Answer

11 Then I said to Him, “What are these two olive trees on the right and the left of the lampstand?” 12 And a second time I answered and said to Him, “What are these two branches of the olive trees, which are beside the two golden pipes from which the golden oil is poured out?” ~ Zechariah 4:11-12

God showed Zechariah a vision but didn’t explain it to him until he inquired it of God. Sometimes God shows us a little piece of the puzzle to get our attention so that we’ll seek Him for more. The answer doesn’t always come right away or even after the first time we ask. Sometimes, it takes asking more than one time. Why? There are multiple answers to this question. Sometimes, it’s like Daniel, and something is keeping your answer from getting to you, but other times it’s to help us grow our faith.

If God answered every single question the very first time we asked, then how could our faith ever grow enough to withstand any kind of storm? Sometimes, God remains silent for a short time to help grow our faith. A seed can’t grow without a little bit of rain sometimes. Paul said that trying times produce endurance. These small tests help prepare us for bigger tests to come. If we don’t have the faith to keep asking after the first, second, or even fifth time, how will we be able to ask and have faith in a time of trouble?

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Ask Until You Get An Answer.

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