Be Strong and Courageous

Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. ~ Joshua 1:9KJV

God says, “Be strong and courageous and Do Not Be Afraid!” Why? Because fear is the opposite of faith. Make no mistake; weakness stems from mistrust. You cannot trust someone and fear the results of their decisions. You’ve seen it over and often in the movies. The man holds out his hand to the woman and says, “Do you trust me?” and she will usually say yes and place her hand in his hand. Then they jump from some high building and land safely on the ground or on some floating magic carpet.

Well, that is the same concept. God is holding out His great and mighty hand to us, and He is saying, “Do you trust me?”

If we show fear, we are essentially saying, “No, I do NOT trust you.” A statement that God takes very personally. Because when we say that, we are calling God a liar. An untrustworthy scoundrel.

We are in a spiritual war, a battle for the souls of men. If we show the slightest hint of weakness, the enemy will swoop in and not only eat our lunch but take tomorrow’s lunch money as well. He will strip you of everything you have and leave you broke and naked. And God knows that.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Be Strong and Courageous.

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