31 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” 32 This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. ~ Ephesians 5:31-32
Statistics tell us that 50% (that is, one in two) of new marriages end in divorce today. I’ve figured out the reason why?
We’ve all been counseled or at least heard at one time or the other that a marriage is 50/50. Right? Haven’t we? Well, I’m here to tell you that is wrong. If you put in 50%, then your relationship will have a 50% chance of surviving. The statistics back me up on that.
A covenant marriage requires 100% contribution/effort/participation/involvement (however you want to say it), but it needs 100% in order for it to work.
So many of us, when we get saved, have this same perspective when it comes to our relationship with Christ. We, the Church, are the bride of Christ. And as the bride of Christ, we have to put more effort into our relationship with our God. We can’t expect to put in 50% effort and succeed. God isn’t bringing 50%. He isn’t even bringing 100%. He brings 100+%. He said I came to give you life and life MORE ABUNDANTLY. He didn’t say I’d take you halfway to the cross, then you gotta do the rest yourself. No. He said, I’ll take you all the way to the cross, and when you’re feeling too weak to walk after, I’ll pick you up and carry you myself because I love you.
That’s what love is. It’s reckless. It’s willingly putting yourself at risk over and over again for the sake of the one you love. It’s putting in 100% and then some, even if your partner won’t, in the hope that they will follow in pursuit of your beautiful, reckless love. That’s how we have to live our relationship with Christ. We have to put our own life, wants, desires at risk for the sake of our relationship with God because our relationship with Him is all that matters.
Peace. Love. Go Forth and Love 100%.