Prepare For His Return

11 I am coming soon. Hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown. ~ Revelation 3:11

Jesus mentions the phrase, “I am coming soon,” four times in the book of Revelation. Apparently, the Number four (4) is used as a symbol of honesty and loyalty, which means that the words spoken by Jesus are trustworthy. You can depend on what He said.

There are many, many prophecies of the first coming of Jesus. It was fulfilled over 2000 years ago when Jesus was born in “Migdal Eder,” wrapped in swaddling cloths, and laid in the manger.

Now, Jesus, Himself is prophesying that He will return soon. He repeats the exact phrase 4 times; the number, as I said, is connected with honesty and loyalty. This can only mean one thing; we had better mark His words. We had better prepare for His second coming because if He came the first time to die, how much more will He come back for us to live?

So, wake up. Don’t be caught asleep when Jesus returns. Don’t be caught unaware or unprepared for Jesus’ return. Hold tightly to the crown that has been given to you and continue to spread the good news of Christ Jesus.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Prepare For His Return.

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