40 And He came to the disciples and found them sleeping. And He said to Peter, “So, could you not watch with me one hour?” ~ Matthew 26:40
It was the middle of the night. Jesus’ earthly ministry was coming to an end; He knew the path that was ahead of Him. He understood the cup He was about to drink from, and His heart was overwhelmed within Him. As He prayed, His sweat was like drops of blood. He took His inner circle with Him and asked them to pray with Him, but they all fell asleep. When He sees them, Jesus utters some of the saddest words in Scripture, ‘Could you not watch with me one hour?’
It’s easy for us today to judge those three disciples who fell asleep. It’s easy for us to say they should’ve prayed with the LORD, but we’re no different.
We’re currently in a spiritual battle, there are people who crucify Christ daily with their actions, yet we can’t even pray for 5 minutes. We count praying for our food and our bedtime prayer as enough, then wonder why God is so far off. Jesus is standing at the door, knocking. He’s asking you if you can’t spend even an hour with Him. We expect so much from God, yet we don’t wanna give Him even an hour of our time.
Look at all He’s done for you; does He not deserve at least an hour of our attention?
LORD God, please forgive me for forgetting that You deserve more than I could ever give You. Please crucify my flesh, for my spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak. Please awaken the sleeping spirit inside of me. Breathe life into these dead bones. Wake me up, LORD God, teach me to pray the way I ought to. Guide me in my path that I might not fall into temptation. Keep me safe in Your loving arms. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.