Dethrone The Elites

Then Herod, when he had secretly called the wise men, determined from them what time the star appeared. And he sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the young Child, and when you have found Him, bring back word to me, that I may come and worship Him also.” ~ Matthew 2:7-8

Lies and deception came forth from Herod because of the fear of the news he had heard. Today, the elites haven’t changed. They tell us lies and try to deceive us. People in power will lie and steal and deceive to hold on to the power and wealth that they have.

It was no different back then from how it is today. Herod claimed He, too, wanted to go and worship the infant king of the Jews as well. When secretly, he wanted to murder Him and remove all threat of a king coming to dethrone him.

Jesus is still a threat to people today. They still want Him dead. They still try to kill even the memory of Him. They still say they will not have this Messiah rule over them. They still refuse to make from in their hearts for Him. Their no vacancy sign shines brightly that there is no room in this inn. Why? Because in Jesus, there is freedom. The power and authority that the elites think they have on this earth is threatened by the true power and authority that Christ Jesus has.

So, they will lie and try to deceive those who come to worship the King, just as Herod tried to deceive the wisemen that came to worship baby Jesus. They say that they are for worshipping the Christ, but they know a better way. They begin changing the way Christ demanded to be worshipped. They lie to the believers and followers of Christ and try to lead them astray so that they won’t be dethroned. So that the people never find the true Messiah.

This Christmas season, don’t allow anyone to separate you from the King of kings and LORD of lords. Don’t allow anyone to deceive you in any way. Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart, hoping that you will let Him in so that He might dwell in You and through You. Do you have room for him tonight?

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Dethrone The Elites.

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