Proverbs 28:27 CSB
[27] The one who gives to the poor will not be in need, but one who turns his eyes away will receive many curses.
I heard a preacher once say that giving to the poor doesn’t come with any increase or a blessing, but only tithe does. Now, I’m not anti-tithe. I tithe every month faithfully, as I believe all believers should, but I do have a problem with this teaching. Everything we do has either a reward or a punishment that we can expect in return. Each and every action we make is sowing seeds. When we give to God, we’re sowing seeds of obedience, and we will reap a reward. When we give to those in need, we’re sowing seeds of charity, and we will reap a reward. When we’re stingy with our money and we don’t give to anyone, not even God we are sowing seeds of selfishness.
Each seed bares a tree of either blessings or curses. Yes, there is a blessing that comes when you tithe, but there is a blessing that comes with giving to those in need as well. The LORD blesses those who want to be a blessing to others. Our cup doesn’t pour over just so that we can’t contain it and it goes to waste, but so that we can bless others around us as well.
Peace. Love. Go Forth and Sow Seeds of Blessings.