Forgive A Pawn

11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the schemes of the devil. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this darkness, against evil, spiritual forces in the heavens. 13 For this reason take up the full armor of God, so that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having prepared everything, to take your stand. ~ Ephesians 6:11-13CSB

I heard someone say that we can’t live our lives being right because the more right you are, the more miserable you’ll be. Now, on its own out of context, that sounds crazy, but once in context, it’s quite profound. See, he explained that when we focus on the physical person hurting us and causing us pain, we begin to blame that person and bitterness, anger, resentment build up inside of us, Now, not only are we carrying the heavy load of pain, now we’re also carrying around the chains of anger, resentment, rejection, bitterness, etc. All of these things weigh us down and cause us more pain as well as cause us to the cause of someone else’s pain. This can cause a domino effect, which often leads to generational curses. So, what can we do?

This wise man said we had to look past the physical person causing us pain, and see the spiritual being behind it, Satan. Yes, you’re right in saying this person has done this to me and that to me, They’ve treated me like this and treated me like that. Yes, you’re right, but the more right you are the more hold them to that debt) the more pain you’ll feel inside, So, the more right you are, the more miserable you’ll be, So, what do we do?

We look past the physical and into the spiritual. When we do that, we’ll realize something, each and every human soul on this earth is a pawn for one of two kingdoms: Jesus’ kingdom or Satan’s kingdom, Each move we make is influenced by one of the other, If we were to look beyond the physical and into the spiritual, we would see the person causing us the pain is being influenced and ultimately moved by Satan. When we truly understand, believe, and accept this truth, we will be able to forgive the person who has wronged us. This will allow us to heal, take off our heavy oppressive chains, and find peace as we dwell in love.

Dear LORD, You see the hurt in my soul and oppression that keeps me enchained in the past. Please, LORD, open my eyes that I might see and my mind that I might understand the true being behind my pain isn’t the physical person who has hurt me, but Satan, who came down in great wrath and now prowls seeking some to devour. Please heal my heart as I forgive the person who has been used by Satan. Please be with me always guiding my every move so I won’t be devoured by the enemy. In Jesus’ name,
I pray, amen.

Please repeat this declaration after prayer:

I forgive you [insert name here] for [insert wrong doing here]. I release you from this debt and choose to cancel it just as Christ canceled mine. I forgive you. I know and understand you are being used by the enemy, but I no longer will be. I forgive you.

Now this won’t be the last time you battle thoughts about this. The enemy will try to attack your mind with these thoughts until you have fully forgiven the person who has wronged you and completely let go of the hurt.

So, every time Satan tries to remind you of the wrong doing, stop the thought immediately and remind yourself who the true enemy is behind it all, forgiveness and peace may not come overnight, but they will come to those who are faithful.

Peace. Love. Go forth and Forgive A Pawn.

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