Think of Others

36 For from Him and through Him and for Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen. ~ Romans 11:36

All things were created by Him and for Him. Jesus is the Creator, and it was for His glory that He created everything. So, don’t get caught up in this neo-pagan idea of we are little gods and everything revolves around us. God said He will not share His glory. When interpreted correctly, that means: We, God’s creation, are not partakers in the glory that belongs to Him alone.

So, we are to value others above ourselves in all humility. That means we are to stop looking out for number one. Stop investing in our own best interests only. Why? Because we become selfish. If we aren’t the ones benefiting, we don’t want to do it. “Let me pray about it” becomes our freedom chant. It becomes our words of wisdom, Proverbs 32:1 “Leteth thou me, prayest about it.”

Each one of us is to take our eyes off of our own interests and place them on the interest of others. If the Church of Jesus Christ would only do that, we would not have all the division in our churches. But the problem, at least it seems to me, is that we believe that it’s our life and we have a right to feel this way or think this way. We have a right to look out for our own best interests because, after all, nobody else will.

But think of it this way. If Jesus bought and paid for you with His own blood on the Cross of Calvary, then you belong to Him, and you are no longer your own. And if this is the case, and we believe it to be, then do you not think that Jesus knows how to look out for the best interest and will look out for the best interest of what belongs to Him?

He does not need help taking care of what belongs to Him. Therefore, if this is the case, and your life is indeed not your own, then it is not about you. If you are going to grow in the LORD, you must understand that it is no longer you that lives, but Christ who lives in you, as the Scriptures teach us.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Think of Others.

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