Pray For The Sinner

23 As for me, I will certainly not sin against the Lord by ending my prayers for you. And I will continue to teach you what is good and right. ~ 1 Samuel 12:23

Even though the people had become wicked and rebellious, Samuel saw it as a sin to stop praying for them. Today, it’s so easy for us to become offended and angry by other people’s sin and disobedience that we give up on them. When we see them make the same mistakes over and over again, it’s difficult to stand back and still pray for them. We want judgment, justice, and God’s wrath upon them because they fall into the same old traps as before. But where is the love?

We have to love people, even when they sin. We have to love people, even when we think that they’re living in sin and debauchery. And the biggest way we love people is to pray for them regardless of how we feel they should act. Never remove your prayers from the world. Never give up on people.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Pray For The Sinner.

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