Work Off The Fat

2 Joyful are those who obey His laws and search for Him with all their hearts. ~ Psalms 119:2NLT

Freedom starts with calling on the Name of Jesus, but it doesn’t stop there. Now, the real work for us begins. We have to now fight our flesh. How do we do that? We start with our mind. There is no sin that we commit that we have never thought about beforehand. We have to entertain sin in order to give into it.

Just changing our thoughts sounds easy enough, but that’s not the case. See, the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Imagine you’re extremely overweight and out-of-shape, but you now have to start training to complete an Ironman. That’s essentially what happens when we get saved. Sure, some of us start out more out of shape than others, but we’re all working towards that one goal, completing the Ironman.

So, now instead of sleeping in, we have to get up early to pray. Instead of binging another episode, we have to turn off the TV and read our Bible. And instead of spending another 3 hours listening to secular music, we have to worship. It goes against our very nature and will be extremely difficult, but don’t be discouraged; God is working on you from the inside out. You’re not changing yourself; He’s changing you.

When we set our desires on God, and we start fighting to have a true relationship with Him, the weight will begin to fall off. Our minds will begin to be transformed. Our heart will begin to melt from its state of stone. So, don’t give up or lose hope. Strongholds are broken, and the weight of sin will melt off; you just have to fight for it.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Work Off The Fat.

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