Measure Your Love

10 Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. ~ Romans 13:10

Our spiritual temperature depends on the amount of love we have in our hearts. It’s the root of all other fruit and the foundational block of all gifts. Without love, we have nothing, not even salvation. Why? Because love fulfills the law. Therefore, if we don’t have love, we can’t please God.

Fear is overcome by dwelling in the love of God. Faith is powered by dwelling in the love of God. Patience is built up by the amount of love we have for others. Joy is founded on the love we have for God. Everything is founded on love. If you are struggling in an area, ask yourself:

Do I need to love God and the things of God more?
Do I need to love my neighbor more?
Do I need to love myself more?

Love fulfills the law. Therefore, love, and you will grow in the LORD.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Measure Your Love.

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