The Awakening of Fear

25 And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed. ~ Genesis 2:25

So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths. And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man and said to him, “Where are you?” 10 And he said, “I heard the sound of you in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid myself.” ~ Genesis 3:6-10

I have two nieces, one who is scared of everything and the other who is completely fearless. The one who is scared of everything is 8, while the other who is scared of nothing is 3. Mommy and I were talking about it one day, and she said it’s because the older you get, the more afraid you get. I said that we then have to try to protect her from that so that she doesn’t become frightened of everything as well.

Now, today, I was doing some sit-ups on my bench, where I put my feet under the bar and then sit up. When I went to lay back, I felt a fear of falling. Then it hit me: fear only works if you have a sense or understanding of the punishment or consequence for the action you are about to take or have taken.

Then it further hit me. This is one of the things God was trying to protect us from in the Garden of Eden. Adam was given one command: do not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This command was then relayed to his wife, Eve. This was the only don’t they were given. Why? It wasn’t because God didn’t want them to know good things. It wasn’t because God didn’t want them to have knowledge. Think about it: Adam had to have some form of wisdom in order to talk with God in the cool of the day when He came and walked with him. So, it wasn’t trying to keep knowledge from them. God was trying to keep them from being held captive by fear and/or shame because they go hand in hand.

When Adam ate of the forbidden fruit, he didn’t suddenly think ah yes, I’m like God. He didn’t suddenly learn the wisdom of the gods. The very first thing that happened to Adam and Eve was shame. They looked at their nakedness, felt shame, and sought a covering for themselves. What was once beautiful and innocent was now tainted and spoiled. Then the LORD stepped down in the garden and called the man, but he and Eve both hid. Why? Not only were they now wrapped in shame, but now they were afraid. They were terrified. They knew what they had done was wrong; their innocence was stripped away, and fear of the coming punishment had taken over.

God’s desire for us was and always is for our good. It’s never for our harm. It’s never for evil. So, what does He do? He protects us from things that will cause us harm and evil. So, He tells us not to open certain doors that will allow fear to enter into our hearts and remove love, peace, and joy. When Adam ate, the love he felt from God was gone. The peace he felt when he spoke with God was gone. The joy he felt when he heard God walking in the garden was gone. All that he was left with was shame and fear. Two cold, brutal, cruel masters that aren’t ever satisfied until you are completely and utterly destroyed, and then, even then, they aren’t satisfied, for they move on to their next victim.

This is what the LORD wanted to keep us from. My niece wasn’t afraid of anything until she was given a reason to fear things. I wasn’t afraid of doing my sit-ups until one day, I forgot to put the weights on the bar to keep it from rising up when I leaned back, and I almost fell. It wasn’t until I saw and understood a possible consequence of not doing something correctly that I became afraid. We were not created for nor given a spirit of fear. We were created for love. To love and be loved by our creator.

Dear LORD, I’m sorry for each and every time I overstepped my bounds and stepped over lines You commanded me not to cross. I’m sorry for each and every time I allowed my flesh to dictate my actions and opened doors to shame and fear. Please, LORD, cover me in Your precious and Holy blood. Cause Your angels concerning me. Help me to know that I am loved by You. That if I walk in Your ways and delight myself in You, I have nothing to fear because You are with me. If I cry out to You, repent, and seek Your face as I turn from my sin, no shame has any right to me. That the past mistakes I’ve made no longer have a hold on me and I can move forward in You. That all fear, anxiety, and doubt have no claim on me, for I am loved by You. For You loved me even when I hated You. Even in my sin, You still loved me. Even in my sin, You still called out to me. Even in my sin, You still died for me. Thank You for Your love. Thank You for Your forgiveness. Please, LORD, help me feel Your love surrounding me in all things that I do. In every area of my life. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

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