You’re Not Above It

13 Mordecai sent this reply to Esther: ‘Don’t think for a moment that because you’re in the palace you will escape when all other Jews are killed.’” ~ Esther 4:13

When Haman called for the genocide of the Jews, Esther was hesitant to go to the king because he hadn’t called for her in a while. But Mordecai brought her back to reality, reminding her that no matter where she was or who she was, she was not above the law. No matter if we are servants or sons (and daughters), we are not above God’s law. We must take a stand for what is right, whether we are celebrities, well-known pastors, or just regular people, God will hold us accountable for what we do.

Esther had to risk her life to do what was right. Jesus said that if you deny me before men, I’ll deny you before my Father. So, no matter who you are, own Jesus and all that He stands for regardless of the situation. When you’re confronted with choosing popularity over what is right, choose what is right. Let Esther be a good role model for you because she understood it was better to die doing what was right than to put off death for a short time and do what was wrong. Esther was queen, yet she wasn’t above the law. Don’t just stick your head in the sand, stand for what is right.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Do What Is Right.

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