12 There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death. ~ Proverbs 14:12
Something is wrong when a Christian can go for days or even weeks without any type of prayer or any type of worship and feel nothing.
A few weeks ago, we had our granddaughter visiting us, and we were busy doing vacation stuff. Needless to say, I did not have my regular time in prayer. After a few days, I felt like something was terribly wrong. I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach like something dreadful was about to happen.
I had to get out of my bed at 3:30 in the morning and go to my prayer couch and kneel down and spend some time in prayer. It was only after that that the feeling subsided. We should be convicted when we do not spend time with our God.
Something is wrong when Christians can vote for killing innocent babies and fight for rights that are an abomination to God because it is the right of their affiliate political party.
We chose to side with man and offend God because of politics, race, ethnicity, or anything else.
You know something is wrong when a Christian can sit through an hour and a half of nasty, dirty movies without even the slightest bit of uneasiness, much less conviction. They can sit through movies and tv shows that use the name of their God as a cuss word and feel no way about it. Something is wrong.
I saw an interview where some guy went around and asked random people who identified as born-again believers if they had changed the kinds of movies they watched. They had no problem with watching movies with sex scenes, cussing, F-bombs, and using the name of the LORD our God as a cussword. They had no problem with none of it.
They indicated that they had no problem with it and would not change what they watched. Our hearts have grown cold. We’ve lost the discernment of the Holy Spirit. How can we be sure? When we are no longer offended by the things of the world that offend God, then we’ve lost our spiritual discernment.
But if we spend time with God. Read our bible. Make time to pray and worship. Go to church and immerse ourselves in the things of God; we will see that spark begin to light in our lives again. We’ll begin to hear the Spirit of God guiding us again.
Peace. Love. Go Forth and Seek the Spirit of God.