12 There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death. ~ Proverbs 14:12
There is a way that seems right to a man. This path is familiar. The road is well-trodden. The highway is buzzing with traffic all going the same way. No one is concerned; this many people cannot be wrong. But the Scripture says, “but its end is the way of death.”
Let me ask you one question, in a couple of ways:
- If you were dying of a terrible non-curable disease, but someone knew about a pharmacist who actually had a cure, but it was very politically offensive, and the pharmacist himself was hated, because of his politically offensive cure, would you want someone to tell you about him anyway? Or would you rather them not offend you, and just let you die from the disease instead?
- Or if you lived in a world where everyone made their own decisions and it was politically incorrect to make suggestions, would you want someone to warn you, despite the risk of offending you, and save your life, or let you go ahead and do whatever you were planning on doing, keeping you happy temporarily, but you die prematurely?
It seems very farfetched, but that is where our society is today. The pressure of political correctness and the societal hate for God has stripped most Christians of their boldness and their willingness to witness and win souls.
Society wants to be left alone on their way that seems right to them; they either don’t believe or don’t care that it will lead to death.
Something is wrong with that picture.
As Christians, regardless of how the world feels or what they tell us, we still have to warn people of the lies of the enemy. Jesus didn’t allow the offense of anyone to shut Him up. He warned everyone He had the opportunity to. That’s how we need to be. Our focus should be on saving as many souls as possible and helping as many cross the finish line as we can.
Peace. Love. Go Forth and Save Souls.