In order to grow, you have to be fed. Where do you get fed? Do you get fed once a week and that’s it? Can a person survive on eating once a week? No. So how can a soul? Come join us and be fed.
- Denying Christ With Actions
- The Return of The Signet Ring
- Our Spiritual Walk
- God Worketh Everything To The Good
- Spiritual Blindness
- Standing On Eternity’s Doorstep
- Eternity Crashing In
- Bags With Holes
- When Life Happens Pt. 2: Life’s Railroad Tracks
- When Life Happens Pt. 1: Welcome To The Crucible
- World Under Attack Pt. 12: The End of the End
- World Under Attack Pt. 11: Souls For Sale
- World Under Attack Pt. 10: Partaking From Two Tables
- World Under Attack Pt. 9: The Silence of Men
- World Under Attack Pt. 8: No One Sees
- World Under Attack Pt. 7: Primum Non Nocere
- World Under Attack Pt. 6: First, Do No Harm
- World Under Attack Pt. 5: Conquered And Scattered
- World Under Attack Pt. 4: Plundered Nations
- World Under Attack Pt. 3: Stolen Wealth
- World Under Attack Pt. 2: The Destroyers of The Earth
- World Under Attack Pt. 1: It Affects Everyone
- Three Blockers To Spiritual Intimacy
- That He Might Not Suffer Loss
- Defeating Spiritual Adultery
- The Steadfast Love of God
- A Broken And Contrite Heart
- From Everlasting to Everlasting
- Desperate For Jesus
- Kiss The Son
- Stealing The Seed Pt. 4: Guard The Seed
- Stealing The Seed Pt. 3: The Identity Is In The Seed
- Stealing The Seed Pt. 2: The Food Is In The Seed
- Stealing The Seed Pt. 1: The Increase Is In The Seed
- Silent Watchers
- Not Just Mere Words Pt. 5: Words That Defeat
- Not Just Mere Words Pt. 4: Words That Defile
- Not Just Mere Words Pt. 3: The Strength of Words
- Not Just Mere Words Pt. 2: Words Are Life Or Death
- Not Just Mere Words Pt. 1: Renewing Your Mind
- Time To Choose
- The Faith of Four Friends
- I Desire Mercy
- The End of Days
- The End Time Church Pt. 2: The Ten Virgins
- The End Time Church Pt. 1: The Church of Laodicea
- The Battle For Jerusalem
- The Year of the Triple Blessing
- Unforgiveness Pt. 2: The Joy of Forgiveness
- Unforgiveness Pt. 1: The Merciless Servant
- A Call to Excellence
- They Defiled Themselves
- Secret Sins
- Stay Awake
- Show Me The Way Pt. 3: Light of the World
- Show Me The Way Pt. 2: Salt to Self
- Show Me The Way Pt. 1: Fertilize and Disinfect
- The LORD’s Favorable Grace
- Dying To Self Pt. 2: It’s Not About Us
- Dying To Self Pt. 1: It’s Not About You
- Selling Your Birthright
- False Teachings Pt. 3: The Trinity
- Soar Like An Eagle
- The Undesirable Deliverer
- Faith Revisited Pt. 9: Four Days Late
- Faith Revisited Pt. 8: Confident ln Your Faith
- Faith Revisited Pt. 7: Building Faith
- Faith Revisited Pt. 6: How to Attain Faith
- Faith Revisited Pt. 5: The Diligent Seekers
- Faith Revisited Pt. 4: Hidden Faith
- Faith Revisited Pt. 3: Mustard Seed Faith
- Faith Revisited Pt. 2: Where is Your Faith?
- Faith Revisited Pt. 1: The Catalyst
- Chasing His Presence
- Rejoice and Be Glad
- The Vine and The Vinedresser Pt. 2: The Vinedresser
- The Vine and The Vinedresser Pt. 1: The Vine
- Look To The Future
- Oh To Know Him
- The Spirit of Pharaoh
- Halloween, A Tradition or A Door?
- Lovers of Self
- Ziklag
- Look, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest
- Sleeping with the Enemy Pt. 2: Samson
- Sleeping with the Enemy Pt. 1: Jehoshaphat
- False Teachings Pt. 2: Beware of the Fruit
- False Teachings Pt. 1: The Dangers of Universalism
- God’s Promises
- Playing With Sin
- Think Carefully Before You Act
- The Truth Will Set You Free
- The Persecuted Victims of Torture
- Dads Represent
- What Manner of Man is This Pt. 2: Jesus Is God
- Where’s the Power?
- What Manner of Man is This Pt. 1: Master of the Storm
- Standing on the Promises of God
- Carry Him to His Mother
- Who Do Men Say That I Am?