[9] How long will you lie there, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep? [10] A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, [11] and poverty will come upon you like a robber, and want like an armed man. ~ Proverbs 6:9-11
Just as I believe there are good spirits, like the spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, and knowledge, I also believe there are evil spirits. Such as the spirit of fear, depression, suicide, and also the spirit of slumber. And the spirit of slumber has to be one of the sweetest evil spirits to every live. Here’s what I mean.
The spirit of slumber will whisper into your ear, you’ve had a rough night, go ahead sleep in a bit. Or you’ve had a long day, go ahead say a short prayer tonight. It’ll play into the desires of your flesh in order to stunt your growth.
Yes, sleep is a necessary part of your physical and mental health. It’s when your body heals and rejuvenates, but just like anything in excess, it can be bad for you. So many of us give into this spirit of slumber, myself included, and we miss out on things. We get behind on our goals, our spiritual life suffers, and we struggle to provide. When I look at successful people living out their dreams that werent born into that success but worked to get there, they all have something in common, none of them slept in. They all got up and got what needed to be done regardless of how tired they were. They got up and they worked and they worked until the day was done.
So many of us let life pass us by as we enjoy a nice sleep. As I stated earlier, I’m not excluded from this either, I love to sleep. I could just spend the whole day in my warm, comfy bed sleeping. I love to sleep, but what would that profit me? What good could that do for me? Nothing. The spirit of slumber will try to coerce you to take another five minutes because you’re really tired, just another five minutes because it was a rough night, then boom, it’s noon and your entire morning is gone.
Yes, we need sleep, but even if we miss out on getting enough the night before, it’s better for our bodies to get up early than to sleep in late. The spirit of slumber will tell you it’s better to sleep, but it’s been tested and proven that it’s better to get your body in a routine of getting up early regardless of how tired you are. This isn’t easy. This is a rough stronghold to tear down, but once you begin to tear down slumber, it’ll give way to other strongholds that were holding on through it. Because if you’re always tired or you’re always sleeping, then you’re unable to grow spiritually.
So, each morning when you’re too tired to get up, pray for strength and then get up and go. If you’re truly exhausted, get up and take a short nap later in the morning so that your body gets into a routine and can truly recover. But whatever you do, don’t listen to slumber’s sweet deceitful words.
Peace. Love. Go Forth and Reject Slumbers Pillow Talk.