Work For Your Blessing

11 The Ark of the Lord remained there in Obed-edom’s house for three months, and the Lord blessed Obed-edom and his entire household. ~ 2 Samuel 6:11NLT

There’s always blessing and prosperity where the presence of the Lord dwells. So, why are we in poor health, poverty, depression, and hopelessness if the presence of the Lord (the Holy Spirit) is living in us? If the presence of the Lord is dwelling in us, then we should be displaying the fruit of the spirit. If we’re not displaying the fruit of the spirit, then we need to check ourselves because, more than likely, there’s a stronghold in our life keeping us from producing fruit.

According to Jesus, every tree that doesn’t bear good fruit is cut down. Therefore, we can understand that just because we accept Jesus’ salvation and have faith in Him doesn’t mean that we are saved. The kind of fruit that we are producing determines our salvation. Do we have love? Joy? Peace? Or are the cares of the world overcoming us daily? Don’t buy into the lie that all you have to do is believe, and God will bless you. If you want His blessing, you must friend have His Spirit. If you want His Spirit, you must first produce good fruit. If you want to produce good fruit, you have to act upon your faith. Remember that even James explains that faith without works, or action, is dead. It’s meaningless.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Work For Your Blessing.

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