
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. ~ Romans 12:2

When you are born again, that is, when you first accept Jesus as LORD and Savior of your life and become a Christian or a Christ-follower, you don’t automatically know the will of God. The will of God is not somehow automatically downloaded. It must be developed.

The word “test” is a verb meaning to try so as to certify or to make certain of the genuine, trustworthy will of God. The same word can be used for a person who is said to have been tested in battle. So, why is it necessary to renew your mind?

Well, the easy answer is so that you can be transformed. But what does that mean, to be transformed? It simply means not to let yourself be forced into the mold of society’s ever-changing standards, values, and morals.

In short, Paul is saying, “Do not let society shape your behavior or your way of thinking.” Society, or culture has a way of pressuring its populace into validating its morals and ethics by forcing them to accept in their minds and confirm with their actions society’s version of right and wrong.

Dear LORD, please transform me by renewing my mind. Give me the strength to cast down thoughts that aren’t of You. Fill me with discernment so that I might know the Truth. That I might easily differentiate between right and wrong. Open my eyes so that I might see the Truth, even when the world tries to hide it from me. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

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