Remove The Illusion

17 The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and rescues them from all their troubles. 18 The Lord is near the brokenhearted; he saves those crushed in spirit. 19 One who is righteous has many adversities, but the Lord rescues him from them all. ~ Psalms 34:17-19CSB

All of us have experienced losing a loved one. We’ve all suffered some form of loss. Many of us, when we lose someone we love, we lose part of ourselves, but we try to hide it. We try to convert it up by wearing a mask that we’re all okay. That everything’s fine. Our outside is okay, but inside, we’re falling apart.

It makes me think of a scene from one of the marvelous movies when Thor and Loki’s mother dies. Thor goes to speak to Loki in prison, and Loki is fine. He’s relaxing. Enjoying reading a book in his cell, but Thor knows better. He forces Loki to remove the illusion he’s created so that Thor can see his true self. And he does. He shows his brother how distraught and broken he is over his mother’s death. His cell isn’t neat, and neither is he. Books are destroyed. His hair is disheveled. His soul is aching.

Many of us hide our hurt deep down within us, refusing to show it to anyone. Maybe it’s because we don’t feel we have anyone to go to. But even if we have no one to go to in this physical world, we have someone to go to. Jesus told us to lay our burdens on Him. We can go to God. We don’t have to figure it out on our own. We don’t have to hide it from God because He already knows. He isn’t angry at our hurt or our pain. It doesn’t make Him uncomfortable or want distance from us. He embraces us in our filth when we come to Him, so how much more would He embrace us because of our hurt if we go to Him?

God’s arms are wide open. He’s waiting for you. Cry in His arms. Mourn in His presence. Give Him your burdens, and He will take them from you. He will comfort you. He will give you peace. It may not happen overnight, but it will happen if you remain faithful.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Remove The Illusion.

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