Stay and Move In Obedience

39 When Moses reported these words to all the Israelites, the people were overcome with grief. 40 They got up early the next morning and went up the ridge of the hill country, saying, “Let’s go to the place the Lord promised, for we were wrong.” 41 But Moses responded, “Why are you going against the Lord’s command? It won’t succeed. 42 Don’t go, because the Lord is not among you and you will be defeated by your enemies. 43 The Amalekites and Canaanites are right in front of you, and you will fall by the sword. The Lord won’t be with you, since you have turned from following him.” 44 But they dared to go up the ridge of the hill country, even though the ark of the Lord’s covenant and Moses did not leave the camp. 45 Then the Amalekites and Canaanites who lived in that part of the hill country came down, attacked them, and routed them as far as Hormah. ~ Numbers 14:39-45CSB

The people of Israel were told to invade the land of Canaan and take it over because it was their inheritance as promised to their father Abraham. The LORD promised to go with them and even go before them, but the people refused to enter. Why? Because they sent in spies from each tribe and when those twelve spies returned, 10 of them gave a bad report of the land and incited the people to not enter the land.

What was their report? There were Nephilim in the land. Giants as tall as cedar trees that wreaked havoc on the people of the land. They were filled with fear at the sight of them, and when they returned, they filled the camp with fear as well. So, the people refused to enter. Only two of the twelve spies tried to remind the people that the LORD had promised to be with them and go before them. They tried to remind the people of God’s promise, but their words fell on deaf ears. The people would not listen.

So, what does God do? He rejects the people since they rejected Him with their unbelief and refusal to go into the land. When they’re told that God has now rejected them, they try to force His hand by refusing to stay in the camp and instead going to war. They probably think that the LORD will show up; He’ll have to. But God doesn’t show up, and they are destroyed at battle and have to flee.

So many of us are told to go forward go forward. Time after time, we reject God until He finally tells us “fine,” and He doesn’t move us forward. By the time we’re finally ready to move forward, it’s too late, and God has moved on to a willing heart. So, we try to force His hand by moving forward without Him. And what happens? We fail. The difference between us and the people of Israel is that we blame God for our failure when He told us to stay and not go.

When you miss the opportunity, you must remain where God has left you and seek Him until He returns. You don’t try to move on without Him; you always stay where He left you, lest you be overcome on your own.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Stay and Move In Obedience.

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