Seek Him and Wait

25 The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him.” ~ Lamentations 3:25

Sometimes we look to the LORD for a short while, and when nothing happens when we want them to or expect them to, we get upset. We give up. And we turn away. We expect God to do things immediately the very first time we speak to Him or ask something of Him. We treat God like a genie in a bottle meant to give us our wishes as we ask them. But God is so much more, and He desires so much more. He wants you to seek Him, not for what He can give you, but for Him.

He desires a relationship with you. From the garden, He desired a relationship with us. He would come down from His throne and walk and talk with Adam and Eve. He doesn’t come on our time, but He comes when the timing is perfect. If we would only wait for Him and seek a relationship with Him diligently, we would see things begin to happen. We would see doors opened that were once closed. Miracles take place. Prayers answered. When we seek God first, He will then give us the desires of our hearts.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Wait For Him.

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