4b …lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. ~ 2 Timothy 3:4b
Paul said that the people of his time had their minds only set on earthly things, and nothing has changed 2,000 years later. They are so caught up in pleasure and satisfying the flesh they don’t even see evil being repackaged. They wrap it up in nice, beautiful wrapping paper and tie it off with gorgeous bows and people don’t see past it.
People are so caught up in their own self-pleasure and entertainment, that they fall for the same old tricks in the book. They refuse to look past the deceitful packaging and bows to see the sin inside. Don’t let them deceive you with charming words and tasty treats that lead to death. God has written in His word what is right and what is wrong, don’t let them deceive you into believing something has suddenly changed.
Peace. Love. Go Forth and Look Beyond.