Focus On His Star

Then Herod summoned the wise men secretly and ascertained from them what time the star had appeared. ~ Matthew 2:7

I used to think that the magi went to king Herod to inquire about where the promised Messiah was to be born, but they did not. Herod had to summon them. The lesson here is, do not seek the righteous among the unrighteous. All of those progressive churches that teach that you can live any old way, and Jesus is fine with it because, after all, God understands.

I’m here to tell you, Do Not seek the righteous among those who say there is nothing you can do to fall out of grace with their savior. It simply isn’t true. There is a right way to live, and there is a wrong way to live.

Jesus said that if you love Him, you will do what He said. And He left us a perfect example, Himself; therefore, there is no excuse. Yet there are those who try to corrupt the Gospel and lead others astray, but you don’t have to be deceived by them. The wise men knew the prophecy, they were focused on only the Messiah, so when they were warned of King Herod, they were able to withstand and see through the deceit of King Herod.

Therefore, if we know the Word of God and we keep our focus on the Christ, when the LORD warns us and gives us a spirit of discernment, we will be able to see through the traps of the enemy. We will be able to withstand the attacks against us and our God.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Focus On His Star.

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