Avail Much

“The Lord hears His people when they call to Him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles.” ~ Psalms 34:17 NLT

We are currently in a pandemic that is not just affecting one nation or even one side of the Earth, but the entire Earth from East to West is affected by the ongoing Covid-19 crisis. Many are scared, anxious, worried, weary, grieving, and sick. But God promised us that if we call on Him for help, He would rescue us from all of our troubles. So call on His name. Pray for a cure. Pray for the sick. Pray for this virus to cease to exist. It may sound like the last thing we should do, but prayer is always the first thing we should do.

The prayers of a righteous person availeth much. As a Church we could change our situation, if we would come together and pray. If we would pray in unison as they did in the Upper Room. Things shift in the Spiritual, when we move in the Physical.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Avail Much.

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