Prepare Your Eyes and Ears

Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false. ~ 2 Thessalonians 2:11

No doubt, we are living in the End Times. This world and all that we know, this side of eternity, is quickly passing away, and many other things will befall us before it is all over. In the End Times, all sorts of deception will come about. People will be deceived because of fear-mongering by the elites. They will be deceived because of brainwashing. They will be deceived because they refuse to see or even acknowledge the truth.

So how do we make sure we are not victims of this strong delusion that is coming? We open our eyes and ears to the Truth. If we truly study the Word of God and allow the LORD to speak to us through His Word, we won’t be easily deceived because the Truth of God will begin to be written on our hearts. It will no longer just be words on a page but the living Word of God that fills your soul and guides your every step.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Prepare Your Eyes and Ears.

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