Pay Close Attention To Their Actions

25 Knowing their thoughts, he said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand.” ~ Matthew 12:25

The policing of speech has become more and more common, not just here in the US but all over the world as well. This isn’t designed to bring peace, fairness, or equity but to keep the people silent as they destroy our cities and our towns and bring about the New World Order with them in charge and we… their subservient slaves. If we survive, that is.

I mean, there is a purge planned to bring the world’s population down to a ‘sustainable’ number. And it’s all about keeping us quiet while they do to us whatever they want. We are not allowed to object to their plans for us.

For instance, the Brits do not want the riots in the UK to be publicized, for the world to see, or for their citizens to know what is really going on. These are the videos that are targeted by the UK dedicated police. Videos of the riots and the protests that are happening, and some of these videos only ask questions like, “Where are the police?”

But anyone who exposes the hidden agenda of the elites is targeted, hunted down and harassed, or thrown in jail. They will be labeled villains and criminals when all they want is freedom and liberation for their country from a tyrannical government. It is the perilous times that Paul spoke about.

The other day, we were talking to a British citizen living in the UK about all that is going on over there, and we asked why don’t you all say something? The person said, we can’t, or we will be labeled a racist. I wonder, could it be true that white guilt was designed by the New World Order to hush up and suppress the free speech of the majority of the populace and bring about even more division? Divide and conquer.

Open your eyes to the state of the world around us. To those in power and what they are doing vs. what they are saying. Look at how they divide us for their own personal gain. What do we, the people, gain from being divided? The answer is nothing.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Pay Close Attention To Their Actions.

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