9 Therefore Eli said to Samuel, “Go, lie down, and if He calls you, you shall say, ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant hears.’” So Samuel went and lay down in his place. ~ 1 Samuel 3:9
How often do we sit in silence just waiting for God to speak? After a while we get distracted. Our minds wander. We fall asleep. We give up. Why? Because we live in a microwave mentality world. We believe everything should happen as we sit down. It should happen as soon as we come in so that we can quickly leave. We’re constantly on the move, but what would happen if we stayed still? If we came in and waited?
See, this was one of the skills of King David. He knew how to come in and how to go out. He knew how to enter the presence of God and how to leave the presence of God. Same with Samuel, he knew how to hear from God. He knew that God would answer according to His time, not Samuel’s time. He knew God was on God’s timeline. God’s perfect and just timeline. A timeline that’s never too early or too late, but always just on time.
But we live in a society that gives us everything that we want as soon as we ask. Imagine if the prophets were like that. Imagine if Daniel gave up after the second week of praying for an answer. Imagine if all the prophets gave up praying the way we do. We would have nothing. We would be without the promises and mercies of God.
What are you praying for that hasn’t been answered yet? What will happen if you give up hope? What will happen if you get up and stop praying? Who will be affected? Who will lose something? Without the faithful prayers of His people, and without the faithful listening of His people, God cannot work. There’s only one thing that can limit the power of God. Us. The ones who can’t hold on and wait. The ones who give up. Don’t give up, but be encouraged by Jacob who wrestled with God all night, and never let go. He refused to let go, even after his hip was placed out of socket because he wanted that blessing. He wanted the blessing of God. He wanted more than what he had. Do we want more of God than what we have?
Peace. Love. Go Forth and Listen through the Silence.