Seek The Miraculous

14 Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. ~ Isaiah 7:14

Christmas Dreams is one of my favorite Christmas songs. One of the last lines Francesca Battistelli writes is:

I guess the person most excited for Christmas is me

Christmas is a magical time, especially as a child. The presents. Santa coming to visit. All the lights and decorations. The holiday specials. Everything is just so much more magical at Christmas time. The older I get, the less I look forward to pretend, make-believe magic but real magic.

Now, I’m not talking about witchcraft magic, but the impossible becoming possible, unexplainable magic. I’m talking about miracles. Christmas celebrates the most miraculous event in history: God lowering Himself to the form of man and being born of a virgin. No longer do I look forward to Santa coming or even the presents under the tree.

Each Christmas I grow older, I look forward to celebrating, honoring, remembering, and encouraging myself with the miraculous gift of Jesus. If God loved mankind enough to become one of us for 33 ½ years, 2000 years ago, then He loves us enough to still do miracles today. Why? Because He does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Therefore, be encouraged this Christmas season as you look back on all the miracles He has done in the past and look forward to all the miracles He will do for you in the future. All you need to do is follow Him, ask, and believe.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Seek The Miraculous.

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