Pray For Comprehension

5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. ~ James 1:5

So many of us read the Bible and never fully understand what God is saying to us. We know Bible verses, but we don’t know how to put them into practice or how to use them. The Bible is our sword; therefore, when we don’t know how to use our sword, we are like a child wildly wielding a sword, expecting to defeat our well-trained enemy.

We can’t overcome our enemy if we don’t know how to use our Heavenly weapon from God. It’s only by these Heavenly weapons that we have the chance of overcoming the enemy. And it’s only through understanding how to use our weapons that we can overcome our enemies. Therefore, spend time in prayer seeking the wisdom of God. Seek the wisdom of understanding the knowledge that you already have.

Dear LORD, please open my spiritual eyes so that I may see the spiritual connotation of Your Word. Show me what You mean when You wrote, and not what I want to see or what I believe. Teach me according to Your Word that You spoke, not what I interpreted. Remove the blinders of my biased beliefs from physical and spiritual eyes so that I might see Your Truth, Your way, and to fully comprehend it all. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

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