Plant Generously

6 Remember this—a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop. ~ 2 Corinthians 9:6NLT

The culture has vastly shifted over the decades. The 2000s brought a new outlook on life, specifically, the idea that everyone’s a winner and everyone gets an equal prize because we don’t want to hurt our children’s feelings. When we first look at this, it really doesn’t sound so bad, but what have been the effects? Entitlement. Microwave TV Dinner Syndrome.

When we remove the necessity of competition and hard work, we lower ambition and determination. We no longer have to fight for what we want; it’s handed to us. So, what happens? Entitled children become entitled adults, and nothing changes.

We can’t function, grow, learn, or contribute to anything with an entitlement mentality and/or microwave mentality. Nothing in life is free. You have to work for everything. I’d imagine a lot of us are agreeing right about now, but a lot of us don’t realize we’ve become Entitled Christians. We’ve been given salvation so freely that we forget that that’s just the beginning. Once we are saved, we have to work. We have to run the race set before us. We have to fight the good fight.

We can’t just say a simple prayer and then move on, expecting God to just do everything. What good are your prayers without any action? How many of us can say that we push deeper into praying and seeking God when we don’t get an answer the first time or even 5th time. Elijah had to pray seven times for the rain to come, Jacob had to wrestle with God all night to be blessed, Daniel had to pray 21 days straight in order to get an answer from God.

Sometimes you have to dig deeper. Sometimes you have to wrestle with God, men, and the spirit realm all around us. We can’t afford to be entitled, lest we miss out on a large harvest because we only planted one seed.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Plant Generously.

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