Look At Your Relationships

37 Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. ~ Matthew 10:37

One of my favorite TV shows as a child was Avatar: The Last Airbender. During the series Aang is told by Guru Pathik that he has to let go of his earthly attachments in order to allow the cosmic energy to flow through him from the universe. Now, I don’t want you all to misunderstand; I don’t believe in allowing cosmic energy to flow through you and connecting with the universe. However, I do believe there is a lesson here though. See, like Aang, I didn’t understand what Guru Pathik was saying. It sounded like he didn’t know what he was talking about, but today, randomly, it came to mind, and I think I understand what he was saying.

We aren’t supposed to just throw people away. No, as Christians, we’re called to love people and let the Light of God shine through us. I believe he was saying we have to learn to let go of attachments. Our relationships with people shouldn’t affect our salvation. They should never affect our peace, joy, and especially not our love. We have to learn to separate ourselves and let go so that the main relationship we are worried about is our relationship with Christ.

See, so many of us allow our relationships with our fathers, mothers, mentors, pastors, teachers, siblings, or friends to affect our relationship with God. When we view certain relationships with others in such high esteem that it begins to negatively affect our relationship with God, then our relationship with this person has become more important than our relationship with God. We have to build our relationship with the LORD on His love for us and our love for Him. It can’t be built on anything else. We have to grow that relationship with the LORD separately from our other relationships so that they don’t have any weight on our relationship with the LORD.

This is what Jesus is telling us in these verses. Our relationship with Christ should thrive and grow regardless of what is going on in our other relationships around us because our relationship with Christ is based on His love for us and our love for Him regardless of what is going on in our lives.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Look At Your Relationships.

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