Glorify The Father

If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples. ~ John 15:7-8

Jesus is making a covenant promise to us. He said all you have to do is to abide in Him and let His words abide in you, then you can ask whatever you wish, or whatever you desire, and guess what? He will do it for you just because you have asked Him. Why? Because we have a covenant relationship, and I am a covenant-keeping God.

Now I want you to notice that the granting of our prayers and petition is directly connected to bearing fruit. It is directly connected to the harvest and to the increase. Why? Because the Father is glorified every time we have answered prayer because every time we have an answered prayer, we increase and bear fruit, and it leads to the Father being glorified.

I want to challenge you to take Jesus up on His offer of you abiding in Him and His word abiding in you. Then ask whatever you desire and see the Father glorified.

LORD Jesus, please show us what it means to abide in You and Your word to abide in us. Then give us the faith to receive what we ask for in prayer, that we might glorify the Father, for it is in Your name that we pray, amen.

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