Following Jesus: Evangelize

19 And He said to them, ‘Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.’” ~ Matthew 4:19

In part 1 of ‘Following Jesus’, I asked a question, “Could it mean to follow Jesus is to do what Jesus did?” Then I noted the two things that Jesus did the most; pray and evangelize. Every day Jesus was either in the Temple preaching and teaching or going from town to town preaching and teaching. Jesus said to follow Him, and He will make us fishers of men. In other words, He will help us to evangelize. How do we evangelize?

Jesus tells His disciples in Acts 1:8 that they will be His witnesses. And that’s the key. We have to witness. But how do we witness? All we have to do is to tell someone what Jesus has done for us. Jesus told the demoniac in Luke 8:39 to go home and tell how much God had done for him. The result was, the next time Jesus was in town, all the people came out to see Him. There is no right way or no wrong way to witness. All you have to do is tell how you use to be and how Jesus has changed your life for the better. It’s not your job to convict; that is the Holy Spirit’s job. Your job is to tell how much the LORD has done for you.

So, let me be clear because I know a lot of Christians don’t like to evangelize. They don’t like to talk about Jesus outside of Church, but how would we win the world to Christ if we don’t? The world tells us to be quiet; it is not politically correct to speak that name. Well, Peter and John were told that same thing. They were even beaten, thrown into prison, and yelled at, but they replied, “Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God’s sight to listen to you rather than God” (Acts 4:19). In other words, Peter and John were saying, “This is our only responsibility, our act of worship. This is what we are called to do, and we don’t want to be found not doing what we are supposed to be doing when our Savior comes again.”

Let me tell you if you want to see God’s glory; if you want to hear from Jesus, you must do these two things. You have to pray, and you have to witness. You will never see miracles until you begin to witness, and you will never be the most effective witness until you engage in prayer.

Father, give us the desire to witness. Give us the boldness and the confidence to witness. LORD direct us to the person You would have us witness to today. Let us not miss the divine appointment You have set for us. We want to be found doing what You have commanded us to be doing when You return. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

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