Do Nothing Out of Selfish Ambition

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. ~ Philippians 2:3

Wow! I would say that is a hard teaching to grasp. To consider others more significant than ourselves, meaning that other people are more important and we are less important; who thinks like that? Well, true Christ followers do. Paul was instructing the Philippians how to gain even more traction in their Christian walk. He said, first of all, don’t have selfish ambitions because selfish ambitions lead to disregard for your fellow humans. It will become all about you no matter the cost to others. When selfish ambitions play the main role, people get hurt because they are used as stepping stones to achieve that person’s goal or objective.

Conceit is the same because it is driven by pride, and Proverbs 16:18 says, “Pride goes before destruction…” Those are very strong words. Not just a mishap, mind you, but Proverbs says destruction. Pride will tear a family apart, divide close friends, and ruin even the most close of relationships. That is why Paul was encouraging the Philippians to stay away from self-ambition and conceit. Then, he advised them to act in humility. We are to do everything in humility, so much so that we even count or value others as more significant than our own selves.

When you measure that against eternity, it is not as hard of a concept as it first appeared. This life is only a very short term when compared to eternity. Nothing that is done here on this earth can even compare to what God has in store for those who love Him. We don’t need to look out for number one, God Himself will look out for us, and will reward us accordingly.

So, let us start today by refusing to do anything out of selfish ambition or vain conceit but to value others more significantly than ourselves, which means that we don’t always have to be right. We don’t always have to win the argument. We don’t always have to be the one who comes out on top. We don’t always have to dredge up past hurts or other’s past failures. Leave the past in the past and press on toward the goal that is in front of us. And you know what? You will be the happier for it.

Dear Heavenly Father, please help me to think like this. Help me to consider others better than myself. Help me to resist selfish ambition or vain conceit. Help me to live a selfless life for You, in Jesus’ mighty name, I pray, amen.

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