Call Mary to The Teacher

28 When she had said this, she went and called her sister Mary, saying in private, “The Teacher is here and is calling for you.” 29 And when she heard it, she rose quickly and went to Him. ~ John 11:28-29

Lazarus had been dead in the tomb for four days when Jesus finally showed up. When Mary and Martha heard Jesus was on His way, only Martha got up and ran to Him, but Mary remained morning in the house. After speaking to Jesus, Martha returned to get Mary. That’s when Mary got up and went to Jesus.

See, Martha was grieving her brother as well, but she could handle it. She could deal with it. She still had faith in Jesus regardless, but Mary was struggling. She only got up because Jesus called her. Sometimes, we have to be Martha. Situations and circumstances happen that will attack our faith, but if we remain strong, we must help our brother or sister.

Martha knew where her hope was. She knew in whom she trusted. So, after speaking to Jesus and being renewed, or at the very least comforted by the Comforter Himself, she left her safe place and went to get her sister so that she could also get to a place of safety.

This is our job as Christians. We’re to hold on to Jesus, but we’re also to go help our brother or sister and lead them back to Christ when they stray. This is why we’re the body of Christ. We are to help our brothers and sisters fight when they can’t fight anymore. We’re to help encourage, lead them back to the Master, and help them find green pasture. We’re never to leave our brother and sister behind without trying to help them.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Call Mary to The Teacher.

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