Be One Flesh

33 …let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband. ~ Ephesians 5:33

This is a mutual command with a mutual benefit. These two work in tandem with each other. Husbands, do you feel like you’re not being respected? Well, take a look at your wife’s love gauge that monitors her love tank. Is it full? Is it empty? Or is it somewhere in between?

If men want respectful wives, they must first be loving husbands, and wives must submit to their husbands if they want loving husbands. It goes hand in hand. A wife respecting her husband doesn’t mean that we, husbands, lord it over our wives or that the wife has no say in matters that belong to you both. All household decisions must be made mutually and must be beneficial to both; in fact, it must be mutually beneficial to the whole family. Just as Christ doesn’t move without us first doing something, neither does a husband do something without the wife. A marriage is about becoming one flesh.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Be One Flesh.

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