Always Press On

12 Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me His own. ~ Philippians 3:12

We press on or press forward to that great and glorious day when Jesus will break the eastern sky on His way back to get us. But how do we press on?

Very good question. I can tell you in three words:

  • Dying To Self

Dying to self is not an easy concept to grasp and an even harder concept to put into practice. Because it is contrary to nature. The natural man’s main objective is to survive. To endure and to prosper.

The first and most important of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is derived from a person’s motivation or instinct to survive. God has placed that self-preservation in us by placing eternity in our hearts, according to Ecclesiastes 3:11.

Dying to self is contrary to natural instincts because we no longer look out for self-interest. We no longer look out for number one. We pray for those who persecute us. And when they curse us, we bless. We give to everyone who asks. And we bless and pray for our enemies.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Press On By Dying To Self.

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