Leave The Box

12 But you made the Nazirites drink wine, and commanded the prophets, saying, ‘You shall not prophesy.’ ~ Amos 2:12

Many of us live our lives in a box, and because we live in the box, we drag God into the same box as well. God is all-powerful, but His power is restrained or limited by our faith. Jesus, God in the flesh, marveled at the unbelief of Nazareth, His hometown (Mark 6:1-6) because He could only do a few miracles and heal a few sick. If we refuse to believe God is more than Salvation and try to convince others of the same thing, then it’s not the beliefs we’re trying to stop; it’s God.

God wants to do more than save us from our sin. He wants to give us life more abundantly, but we have to believe it’s possible. We have to leave the box in order to see all that God has in store for us. We have to remove our biases and truly seek the Truth of God.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Leave The Box.

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