We Are Known And Loved By God

7 And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. ~ Luke 12:7

We callously read this verse without actually thinking about what Jesus is saying here. Let’s just pause for a brief moment and ponder what our LORD is telling us. He says, “Why,” not asking a question, but making an almost unbelievable statement as in, can you believe this? “Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered.” Who does that? God does! He loves us so much that the very hairs on our heads are numbered and known to Him, and not one falls out without Him knowing.

If we can just grab hold of that concept, it should bring a sense, or a feeling of great joy and self-worth that Almighty God, Creator God, Father God loves us that much to take the time to know the number of our very hairs on our head. Jesus is striving to help us get a hold of what is important. It’s not this life or hardships; it’s not even about successes. It’s about eternity, and God wants us to spend eternity with Him.

He proves His love in several ways, and one is that He knows the number of hairs on your head, and not one falls out without his knowledge and re-tallying the sum. Now, if He knows that, then He certainly knows what is going on with us. What our needs and burdens are. Who is persecuting us? Our lack of daily adequate finances, and He cares. So, tell Him your troubles, your worries, your concerns. He cares for you. He loves you with an unfailing love.

Heavenly Father, please help us to understand this huge concept of Your great love for us. Help us not take Your great love for granted but to be overwhelmed with such great salvation that You have lavished upon us. Help us to stir up the eternity that You have placed in our hearts. In Jesus name, I pray, amen.

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