Trust God In Difficult Times

Lifting up his eyes, then, and seeing that a large crowd was coming toward him, Jesus said to Philip, “Where are we to buy bread, so that these people may eat?” He said this to test him, for He Himself knew what He would do. ~ John 6:5–6

Jesus knew exactly what He was going to do. He was only testing Philip. Remember that Philip was the one that Jesus called, and he went and told his brother, Nathanael, who doubted that asked, can anything good come out of Nazareth. (John 1:43-46)

 21 Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.

Proverbs 19:21

What I mean is this, God doesn’t force people to do what is right, neither does He prevent them from doing evil. Everyone has free will, and everyone is free to choose and refuse, but God will work everything out for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

Everyone has free will in the world, and bad things will happen, but God is always in control, and He is always working things out for the good of His people. Stay strong and trust in Him during the lowest times of your life.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Trust God In Difficult Times.

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