Sit At Your Own Table

32 The waiters served Joseph at his own table, and his brothers were served at a separate table. The Egyptians who ate with Joseph sat at their own table, because Egyptians despise Hebrews and refuse to eat with them. ~ Genesis 43:32NLT

Joseph had the highest position in all of the land of Egypt with only Pharaoh, king of Egypt, above him. Every Egyptian answered to him. He even wore Pharaoh’s signet ring, yet the Egyptians still looked down on Joseph because he was a Hebrew. Pharaoh elevated him above all of them, but they still despised him because of where he came from and who he was.

Here’s the thing, just because God elevates you to a position of great power and authority doesn’t mean that those around you will accept you. God can be doing a great work in you and through you, and people will still bring up that you’re not enough or that your past is your present.

People will curse you and shun you, but don’t let that get to you. You’re not here from them. They didn’t create you. They didn’t die for you. So, why let them keep you from the purpose God has for you.

Be encouraged today; if God is for you, who can be against you? That’s not saying no one will be against you; it’s saying if they come against you, what will that do if you have God on your side? No one can remove your anointing from God. No one can remove your authority from God. No one can remove your call from God. You are chosen by Almighty God, even if the world doesn’t see your worth.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Sit At Your Own Table.

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