Remember Past Victories

Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God. My soul is downcast within me; therefore I will remember you from the land of the Jordan, the heights of Hermon—from Mount Mizar. ~ Psalms 42:5-6

God doesn’t just send us straight to fight Goliath. He doesn’t just send us straight to face the Nephilim of Canaan. Before we face our biggest giants, first, God gives us the lion, the bear, and all the miracles and wonders of Egypt. In doing this, God builds our faith in Him, but it’s up to us to remember these victories. Right now, throughout the entire world, there are giants popping up everywhere. Giants of fear, rebellion, and darkness. And with each giant, hopelessness begins to spread. We’re becoming like the spies in Canaan instead of like the shepherd boy, David. We’re forgetting the victories God has brought us through, and we’re allowing fear and hopelessness to take over because we’re not even fighting anymore.

During the Let Us Worship movement, led by Sean Feucht, that started in San Francisco, California, with only 400 people and now has spread worldwide. And out of this movement came the spontaneous song, Stone in the Sling, that goes like this:

All I need is a memory
Of Your victory
Like a stone in the sling
Like every time that you’ve fought for me

This is the prayer we should each be praying. We should be seeking a memory of His faithfulness. There are so many victories the LORD has brought us through, each and every one of us; all we need is a memory of these victories to encourage us to stand and fight. To stand up and fight for our countries, freedoms, and our God.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Remember Past Victories.

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