Stop Watering The Flame

40 And He came to the disciples and found them sleeping. And He said to Peter, ‘So, could you not watch with me one hour? 41 Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.’ ~ Matthew 26:40-41

The phrase ‘God loves me’ has become overused and has simply lost its true meaning. As the song, Chasing Cars, by Snow Patrol says:

Those Three Words
Are Said Too Much
They’re Not Enough

They may not be speaking about these three specific words, but the saying is still true. We love to justify our sin with that single phrase, ‘God loves me’ or ‘Jesus loves me.’ Yes, God loves you. Yes, Jesus loves you. But even though you are loved by God, you will still have to stand before Him on Judgment Day and give an account for your life.

Look at Peter. He was arguably Jesus’ best friend. His most beloved disciple, and yet, he’s the one Jesus calls out. Peter, James, and John were all asleep, but it was Peter that Jesus singled out. Jesus didn’t say, ‘I know you’re tired, Buddy. I’ll catch ya next time around.’ He didn’t say, ‘Don’t worry about it, Bro. I know you love me. It’s all good.’ No. Jesus called him out. He singled him out. Why? Could it be that Jesus expected more out of Peter? That Jesus expected Peter, His best friend, would stay awake? Jesus loved Peter, yet He still corrected him. He still warned him. He still disciplined him.

Why? Because He loved him. When you love someone, you correct them before it’s too late. You don’t watch them drive off the side of the cliff because they’re having fun pretending that their car is a flying car. No, you stop them. You try to correct them. You don’t just stand by and watch them kill themselves. We have to stop loving people straight into Hell. It’s time we start calling sin what it really is, SIN. We can’t keep watering down the Bible. If we don’t, it’ll lose all of its power. When you pour water on a flame, it dies down. Even if it’s hard, God gave us the Bible to follow because it is a powerful fire that helps mold us into the image of God.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Stop Watering The Flame.

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