Can You Recognize God?

7 And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn. ~ Luke 2:7

Imagine if the Christ was born in our time. Would you be able to recognize Him? Let’s put this into perspective. Approximately 385,000 babies are born every day around the world. That’s approximately 140 million every year. Would you be able to recognize which child was the promised Messiah out of 140 million? The majority of people missed the birth of Christ. They missed the promised Messiah when He was born. Matter of fact, the innkeeper had the opportunity to give the Messiah a room to be born in, but instead gave Him a stable to be born in.

The birth of a tiny baby in the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, and laid in a manger sounds so insignificant. What is that in the scheme of things? 140 million babies are born every year; what’s the significance of this one? This one just so happened to be the promised Messiah. The importance was that without the birth, we couldn’t have the death. Without the death, we could not have eternal life. Just because it doesn’t seem significant to us doesn’t mean it’s not significant to God and His plan.

If the Messiah was born in our world today, would you be able to recognize Him? Here’s the point of that question. Things don’t always seem important to us, but if we knew the heart of God, then we’d see the importance in the little things we overlook. The Messiah already came 2000 years ago, but He’s coming back again. Do you know God enough to recognize the Messiah and the little things that makeup God’s plan?

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Know God To Recognize Him.

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